The What Next? Series
The truth is I’ve been wondering for a long time what to do when it comes to my books and my podcast. I love writing my books and I love interviewing wonderful people about their Next Chapters. What I struggled with for so long was how can I really blend the two?
As with all Next Chapters while we might want a concrete plan at the beginning, it’s very likely the hurdles, plus the twists and turns we face, will take us in a different direction – the one where we're supposed to be.
Our predicted destination = Point A (the point we think we’re aiming for.)
Our actual destination = Point W (where we actually are.)
When I started writing my predicted destination - Point A was: Write a book. Get a book deal. Be an author.
But the hurdle was I didn’t get an agent, there was a twist and a turn – and I set up Flowerpot and published myself. A podcast was, I was told, a great way to get to know readers and the idea of The Next Chapter was born.
3 years + 3/almost 4 books later and 9 Series… How now do I really blend the two?
Like everything, when put like this the answer is obvious.
What next? I’d spend my days thinking. I asked my husband the same.
What next?.. for my characters in my book. Rosie Nash, Molly & Dan, Audrey, Maggie & Gem.… I wanted to know.
What next? I’d think after every Next Chapter interview. What do we do next with what we’ve just learned?
What next? Was all I could think about – so much so I wrote it down. And there in 2 words staring back at me was my answer.
What Next?
So, my books are all now part of the What Next? series, I have a logo (see above), new covers and I’ll have a What Next? Section at the end of my podcast.
Will it take me onto my next point A? I very much doubt it. So, What Next? Who knows?... and that is where the magic lies.